If you are looking for advice on your current situation but are not necessarily looking to retain a lawyer, we offer paid consultations to provide limited assistance in your matter. Unlike a free consultation, you are able to receive legal advice and discuss the options available to you during a paid consult.

Consultation services are often best utilized in the early stages of negotiations or court proceedings to help determine what course of action is most suitable to your needs. It is not recommended to continuously have paid consultations where full-scope representation would better suit your individual needs.

If you decided to handle your legal matter on your own, but are unsure of where to begin or what the next steps are, or if you are simply looking to understand more about your rights and obligations prior to commencing negotiations or court proceedings, a paid consultation is a great place to start. It is always wise to consult with a qualified and experienced lawyer before making major decisions on how to move your legal matter forward.

What is the difference between a free consultation and a paid consultation?

My office offers a free consultation to provide general information and allow us a chance to meet one another in person. It is important that you feel confident and comfortable with the counsel you chose to retain, as that person is representing you and advocating for your best interests as your matter unfolds.

The information provided during a free consultation is general only and cannot be tailored to fit your legal matter.  During a free consultation, you describe your legal matter in terms of your priorities and goals, and if already in Court, the events that led to that point. We then review general information about the types of options you may have, although I make no recommendations on those options unless a retainer is in place. Because of the limitations of the free consult format, I try to make this session as informative and helpful as possible while restricting it to general information only. For liability reasons, a retainer or contract between us must be in place before legal advice can be given.

Consider consulting with a lawyer to determine if you’re able to handle your individual matter on your own, or if you require legal representation for some or all of your case. For a claim that is low in monetary value, it may be beneficial to have a paid consultation but to represent yourself rather than retain counsel.

Disclaimer: The information contained within these pages is general information only. Each matter is unique and the information contained within these pages may not apply to your situation. You should always seek legal advice to review your individual matter.